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ZoomDinosaurs.com ALL ABOUT DINOSAURS! |
What is a Dinosaur? | Dino Info Pages | Dinosaur Coloring Print-outs | Name That Dino | Biggest, Smallest, Oldest,... | Evolution of Dinosaurs | Dinos and Birds | Dino Myths |
Dinosaur Calendar You can print out this dinosaur calendar and color the pages. |
Dinosaur Defenses |
Dinosaur Egg |
Dinosaur Footprint |
Dinosaur Size Comparison Activity |
Dinosaur Sizes |
Dinosaurs to Label Label the dinosaurs, including T. rex, Triceratops, Apatosaurus, Stegosaurus, Spinsaurus, etc. |
Acrocanthosaurus A huge, spine-backed meat-eater. |
Alamosaurus A huge, long-tailed, long-necked, armored, plant-eating dinosaur. |
Alamosaurus (Simple Version) A long-tailed, long-necked, armored plant-eater. |
Albertosaurus A meat-eating dinosaur, a tyrannosaurid from the late Cretaceous period. |
Allosaurus The biggest meat-eating dinosaur from the late Jurassic period. |
Alxasaurus A meat-eating dinosaur found in Mongolia. |
Anchisaurus A plant-eating dinosaur, a late prosauropod, from the early Jurassic period. |
Ankylosaurus A heavily armored plant-eater with a club-like tail and spikes. |
Ankylosaurus (Simple Version) A heavily armored plant-eater with a club-like tail and spikes. |
![]() Apatosaurus A huge, long-necked, whip-tailed plant-eating dinosaur; it used to be known as Brontosaurus. |
![]() Apatosaurus (Simple version) A long-necked plant-eater; it used to be known as Brontosaurus. |
Bagaceratops Printout A plant-eating dinosaur with an armored head. |
Barosaurus A huge, long-necked, whip-tailed plant-eater from the Jurassic period. |
Baryonyx A large meat-eater from the early Cretaceous period. |
Brachiosaurus A huge, long-necked, plant-eating dinosaur with a giraffe-like stance. |
Brachiosaurus (Simple version) A tall, long-necked plant-eater. |
Brachiosaurus Skeleton Brachiosaurus was a tall, long-necked plant-eater. |
Carnotaurus A Cretaceous theropod with brow horns. |
Centrosaurus A ceratopsian dinosaur with a long snout horn. |
Ceratosaurus A Jurassic theropod with a snout horn. |
Chasmosaurus A ceratopsian with three horns. |
Coelophysis A late Triassic theropod, a meat-eating dinosaur about 9 feet (3 m) long. |
Coelophysis (Simple version) A late Triassic theropod, a meat-eater about 9 feet (3 m) long. |
Compsognathus The smallest dinosaur yet found; it was a meat-eater that was the size of a chicken. |
Compsognathus (Simple version) The smallest dinosaur yet found; it was a meat-eater that was the size of a chicken. |
Corythosaurus A large, duck-billed plant eating dinosaur that had a helmet-like crest on its head. |
Corythosaurus (Simple version) A large, duck-billed plant eating dinosaur that had a helmet-like crest on its head. |
![]() Cretaceous Period Animals This period saw the height of the dinosaurs and the first flowering plants. |
Deinonychus A deadly, intelligent, meat-eater with huge, sickle-like claws. |
Deinonychus (Simple version) A deadly, intelligent, meat-eater with huge, sickle-like claws. |
Dilophosaurus A meat-eating dinosaur with a double crest on its head. |
Dilophosaurus (Simple version) A meat-eating dinosaur with a double crest on its head. |
Dinosaur Crossword Puzzle See how many dinosaur terms you know. |
Diplodocus A long-necked, whip-tailed plant-eater about 90 ft (27 m) long. |
Edmontonia An armored, plant-eating dinosaur from North America. |
Edmontosaurus A large, duck-billed, plant-eating dinosaur that had a bumpy ridge on its back. |
Edmontosaurus (Simple version) A large, duck-billed, plant-eating dinosaur that had a bumpy ridge on its back. |
Eoraptor One of the oldest dinosaurs yet found. A small, primitive, meat-eating dinosaur with sharp teeth. |
Eoraptor (Simple version) One of the oldest dinosaur yet found. A small, primitive, meat-eating dinosaur with sharp teeth. |
Fabrosaurus A small, primitive plant-eating dinosaur from South Africa. |
Gallimimus A fast-running, light-weight theropod from the late Cretaceous period. |
![]() Giganotosaurus The largest meat-eating dinosaur yet found; this giant was even bigger than T. rex. |
![]() Giganotosaurus (Simple version) The largest meat-eating dinosaur yet found; it was even bigger than T. rex. |
Hadrosaurus A duck-billed, plant-eating dinosaur from the late Cretaceous period. |
Hypsilophodon A small, plant-eating dinosaur that may have lived in herds. |
Iguanodon A slow, heavy, herding, plant-eating dinosaur that had thumb-spikes. Iguanodon was the second dinosaur discovered. |
Iguanodon (Simple version) A slow, heavy, herding, plant-eating dinosaur that had thumb-spikes. Iguanodon was the second dinosaur discovered. |
Janenschia Janenschia was a huge, plant-eating dinosaur with an elongated neck and tail. It was a sauropod from the late Jurassic period, about 156 million to 150 million years ago. |
Jurassic Period Animals The giant, long-necked plant-eating dinosaurs lived during the Jurassic period. |
Kentrosaurus A spiked, plated, plant-eating dinosaur from the Jurassic period. |
Leaellynasaura An Australian plant-eating dinosaur with large eyes. |
Lambeosaurus Lambeosaurus was a plant-eating dinosaur with a tall, hollow, bony crest on its head. |
Maiasaura A duck-billed, herding, plant-eating dinosaur that cared for its young. |
Maiasaura (Simple version) A duck-billed, herding plant-eater that cared for its young. |
Mamenchisaurus The dinosaur with the longest neck - a plant-eating giant from China. |
Mamenchisaurus (Simple version) The dinosaur with the second-longest neck, a plant eater from China. |
Massospondylus An early plant eater with a long neck and long tail. |
Megalosaurus This large meat-eater was the first dinosaur named. |
Megaraptor A large predatory dinosaur with a huge, sickle-shaped claw on each foot. |
Muttaburrasaurus A plant-eating dinosaur with thumb spikes. |
Nodosaurus A large, armored, plant-eating dinosaur from the early Cretaceous period, about 113-98 million years ago. |
Ornitholestes A fast-moving Jurassic theropod with a small crest on its snout. |
Ornithomimus A fast-moving Cretaceous theropod. |
Ouranosaurus A sail-backed plant-eater with a beak. |
Ouranosaurus (Simple version) A sail-backed plant-eater with a beak. |
Oviraptor A small omnivore with a parrot-like head and beak. |
Oviraptor A small omnivore with a parrot-like head and beak. (Simple version) |
Pachycephalosaurus A dome-headed plant-eater. |
Pachycephalosaurus (Simple version) A dome-headed plant-eater. |
Panoplosaurus A tank-like, spiked, plant-eating dinosaur from the late Cretaceous period. |
Parasaurolophus A long-crested plant-eating dinosaur. |
Parasaurolophus (Simple version) A long-crested plant-eating dinosaur. |
Pentaceratops A late Cretaceous plant-eater with horns and a big frill. |
Permian Period Animals The Permian period is also know as the age of amphibians; it preceded the Triassic period, when dinosaurs and mammals evolved. |
Plateosaurus A late Triassic plant-eater. |
Polacanthus An armored and spiked plant-eater. |
Protoceratops A ceratopsian dinosaur from the late Cretaceous period. |
Protoceratops (Simple version) A ceratopsian dinosaur from the late Cretaceous period. |
Procompsognathus An early, small, meat-eating dinosaur from the late Triassic period. |
Quaesitosaurus A large, long-necked, whip-tailed plant-eating dinosaur from the Gobi Desert. It lived during the late Cretaceous period. |
Riojasaurus A large, early, plant-eating, South American dinosaur. |
Saltasaurus A large, long-necked plant-eating dinosaur with armor on its back. It lived during the late Cretaceous period. |
Saltopus A small, fast, early meat-eater. |
Saurolophus Saurolophus was a duck-billed, plant-eating dinosaur. |
Sauropelta Sauropelta was an armored, plant-eating dinosaur. |
Saurornithoides Saurornithoides was a small, fast-moving, meat-eating dinosaur. |
Segisaurus A fast-moving, bird-like meat-eater. |
Segnosaurus A meat-eating dinosaur from Mongolia. |
Seismosaurus A huge, long-necked plant-eater from the Jurassic period. |
Seismosaurus Simple Version A huge, long-necked plant-eater from the Jurassic period. |
Spinosaurus A huge meat-eater with a sail-back fin. |
Spinosaurus (Simple Version) A huge meat-eater with a sail-back fin. |
Stegoceras A plant-eating dinosaur with a very thick skull. |
Stegosaurus A plant-eating dinosaur with rows of plates on its back and spikes on its tail. |
Stegosaurus (Simple version) A plant-eating dinosaur with rows of plates on its back and spikes on its tail. |
Stegosaurus Skeleton See the bones of this huge, plated plant-eater. |
Stygimoloch A plant-eater with many horns and bumps on its skull. |
Styracosaurus A frilled plant-eater with many horns on its head. |
Supersaurus The longest dinosaur ever found; a long-necked plant-eater from the Jurassic period. |
Supersaurus (Simple version) The longest dinosaur ever found; a long-necked plant-eater. |
Syntarsus A fast-moving, meat-eating dinosaur from the Jurassic period. |
Syntarsus (Simple version) A fast-moving, meat-eating dinosaur from the Jurassic period. |
Thecodontosaurus An early plant-eating dinosaur from the late Triassic period. |
Thescelosaurus A plant-eating dinosaur whose 4-chambered, fossilized heart has been found. |
Torosaurus A plant-eating dinosaur with three horns and a huge, bony frill. |
Trachodon A duck-billed dinosaur known only from its fossilized teeth. |
Triassic Period Animals Dinosaurs and mammals evolved during the Triassic Period. |
![]() Triceratops A plant-eater with three horns and a frill on its head. |
![]() Triceratops, Simple version A plant-eater with three horns and a frill on its head. |
Triceratops Skeleton A plant-eater with three horns and a frill on its head. |
Troödon A fast-moving meat-eater from the late Cretaceous period. |
![]() Tyrannosaurus rex The king of the dinosaurs; a huge meat-eater. |
![]() Tyrannosaurus rex (Simple version) The king of the dinosaurs; a huge meat-eater. |
Tyrannosaurus rex Skeleton The king of the dinosaurs; a huge meat-eater. |
Ultrasauros A huge, long-necked sauropod from the Jurassic period. |
Ultrasauros (Simple version) A huge, long-necked sauropod from the Jurassic period. |
Utahraptor A fast, intelligent meat-eater with huge, sickle-shaped claws. |
Velociraptor A fast, intelligent meat-eater. |
Vulcanodon A very early sauropod (long-necked plant-eater). |
Xiaosaurus (pronounced sheow-SAWR-us) A small, plant-eating dinosaur from the Jurassic period. |
Cryptoclidus A large, swimming reptile - a plesiosaur. |
Desmatosuchus An extinct reptile that lived over 200 million years ago. |
Dimetrodon An extinct, sail-backed, meat-eating animal from the Permian period (pre-dating the dinosaurs). |
Dimetrodon (Simple version) An extinct, sail-backed, meat-eating animal from the Permian period (pre-dating the dinosaurs). |
Doedicurus Doedicurus (family glyptodontidae) was an ancient armadillo with a tail mace. It lived during the Ice Ages - long after the dinosaurs died. |
Elasmosaurus A swimming fish-eater with four flippers and a very long neck, a plesiosaur. |
Estemmenosuchus A large "mammal-like reptile" that lived about 255 million years ago. |
Gerrothorax An ancient amphibian that lived over 200 million years ago. |
Glyptodon Glyptodon was a car-sized armadillo that lived during the Ice Ages, long after the dinosaurs died. |
Ichthyornis An extinct bird from the time of the dinosaurs. |
Ichthyosaurus An extinct marine reptile from the time of the dinosaurs. |
Kronosaurus A large marine reptile from the early Cretaceous period. |
Liopleurodon Liopleurodon was the biggest plesiosaur. It was a huge swimming reptile that lived over a hundred million years ago, during the Jurassic period. |
MEGALODON A huge, extinct shark that lived from roughly 25 to 1.6 million years ago, long after the dinosaurs. |
Moschops Moschops is an extinct plant-eater that lived before the dinosaurs. |
Orthacanthus Orthacanthus was an ancient, fresh-water shark that had a long spine growing from the back of its skull. |
Plesiosaurus An extinct, fish-eating marine reptile with four flippers, a plesiosaur. |
Postosuchus Postosuchus is an extinct reptile that lived over 200 million years ago. |
Pterodactylus Flying meat-eaters from the late Jurassic. |
Pteranodon Big, flying meat-eaters from the late Cretaceous. |
Rhamphorhynchus A flying, fish-eating reptile with a long tail; it lived during the late Jurassic period. |
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Trilobite Trilobites are extinct marine arthropods that lived from about 540 to 245 million years ago. |
Teratosaurus Teratosaurus was an extinct reptile that lived about 225 million years ago. |
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